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Assistance in applying for EU grants

We offer assistance in applying for EU grants that help organizations develop and increase their effectiveness. There are very different support programs (grants), they are mediated in Estonia by, for example, the Enterprise Estonia (EAS), the Environmental Investment Center (KIK), the Agricultural Registers and Information Board (PRIA) and several other organizations. A good opportunity for the integrated development of the company is the Company’s development program supported by Enterprise Estonia.

Some programs are currently closed, but new opportunities are constantly emerging. Our consultants have extensive experience and we are constantly aware of the conditions of various support measures.

Feel free to contact us and talk about your plans and thoughts. We are ready to analyze what options might be right for you among the various support measures. Together to find the best solution to realize your wishes and develop your organization!

We have assisted our clients in the following areas and support programs:

The support of the Enterprise Development Program is a renewed support of Enterprise Estonia, which is intended for ambitious and development-oriented companies to support the implementation of their development programs. This so-called complex program includes grants previously divided between separate measures – product development, export marketing, technology investments, development of knowledge and skills, involvement of a development specialist.

The grant of the large investor is intended to encourage large-scale investments (minimum EUR 10 million) in the manufacturing sector. The aim is to create higher added value and increase the company’s international competitiveness.

The purpose of the Digitization Roadmap Grant is to support the preparation of digitization roadmaps. The maximum amount of support is 15,000 EUR. The rate of support depends on the size of the company (50-70%).

The grant is intended for the purchase of modern equipment by industrial companies.

In the case of technology investments, it is now possible to apply for support within the framework of the so-called complex grant, i.e., the Enterprise Development Program, or also the support of a large investor program.

Industrial consultancy program to increase production efficiency and productivity.

It is currently possible to apply for support within the framework of the so-called complex grant, i.e., the Enterprise Development Program.

This is a grant for a quick analysis of production efficiency, the aim of which was to identify opportunities to increase efficiency and productivity.

Export development grant is aimed to bring products into line with the requirements of the export market, to order product samples, to develop brands, to visit target markets, to organize marketing events and to conduct market research.

It is currently possible to apply for support for export development within the framework of the so-called complex grant, i.e., the Enterprise Development Program.

Grant for the development of knowledge and skills, within the framework of which it is possible to receive support for outsourcing various training, research and counseling.

It is currently possible to apply for support for the development of knowledge and skills within the framework of the so-called complex grant, i.e., the Enterprise Development Program.

Grant for support service and development centers to support the introduction of support services and development centers for international groups in Estonia.

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