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Balancing production processes

Our team has extensive experience with helping organisations to raise efficiency, cut costs and shorten lead time. We help with analysing and identifying bottlenecks in production or service flow, prepare and train your team to use different methods and techniques (including LEAN tools) to solve problems and achieve goals.

We work in English, Estonian and Russian. Please contact us to discuss how we can help your organisation!


  • over 20 years of practical experience in consulting and training;
  • our consultants have extensive practical experience in production, quality and management;
  • wide range of services in area of LEAN/efficiency, management systems and strategy development;
  • unique possibilities to develop your personnel – public training courses, development programs and in-house trainings;
  • we work in English, Estonian and Russian languages.

Time, place and price

Detailed program, time and place are subject to additonal agreement.

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